Sunday, July 28, 2013



Children have the best imaginations. They can become anyone they want to be. They can be pirates, princesses; good or bad; they can travel the world or go to different worlds! Anything is possible. Then, as they grow older, that life disappears and the real world comes into play. People go to college, or to work and that imagination disappears much after the age of ten. It's like that world they created never existed, like they grew up. Like Neverland in Peter Pan. But what if that world did exist? What if Neverland was someone's apparent imagination and in fact, it went one step further and was a parallel universe of sorts. Or another world, even? What if it was simply when your brain reached a certain developmental stage that everything from the imagination disappeared and though that person had forgotten it, what if it was still there? Better yet, what if everyone's imaginations were unknowingly linked?

And this is where this roleplay comes into play. Five best friends that have grown up with each other. They all live in a small town, Four Oaks, Southern Texas. A place that isn't known to many unless you are close by or have passed through. In Four Oaks, there are a few ranches and farmlands and a few local stores run by the locals. No big malls or any big city folk building crazy ass skyscrapers or anything. It's just a small town where everyone knows everyone. Gossip is high and for the most part, everyone likes everyone (with a few exceptions, of course!)

Now back to the five best friends. They grew up with each other. They played together. They went on different adventures all the time. One time they were pirates down in Mediterranean Sea. The next time they were traveling by foot across a desert on the way to Australia. It was all about adventures. Their families are all good friends and live near by. They went to school together and were even in the same classes, graduating together at the age of 18. But it changed when they went to college. That's when life changed and they all went their separate ways. Some went to college/university, some went traveling, some dropped out of what they were doing and went back home... either way, they separated as life took over and the real world set in.

That was when they were all 18. Seven years later they're 25 and are all coming back for various reasons one Christmas whether to see the family, sort out family affairs, etc. But the point is, they're going to be all together. And being as it's Christmas, they decide to catch up. They all agree on a meeting spot so one of them can pick them up in the car, deciding to head over to the Christmas Party the town has each year on the other side. It's only 20 minutes and they want to do something familiar, that was fun and something that could bring back memories of the great childhood memories they used to have. After all, each year they would go to this party.

Unfortunately none of them make it. The weather is particularly bad and the car has to pass a bridge over a river. There is some black ice along the road and the driver loses control, causing the car to crash into the wall and go into the river. Luckily everyone is saved and taken to hospital but all five of them are in comas.

And this is where the imagination and a parallel world comes in. When the five friends wake up, they're lying in a grassy field. The sun is shining and it's horribly hot. They are still wearing their winter clothes. The last thing they remember was going off the bridge.

Welcome to my roleplay. This is the first time I'm GM'ing on this site. I've being roleplaying for ten years so I'm not new to being a GM. Hopefully this will be a success and everyone will enjoy it, if people join, that is.

So, onto OOC business. I'm only going to accept FOUR characters. I'm playing the fifth. As you know, most standard cars have five seats including the drivers. Saying that, if I like more than four other character sheets, I'm sure we could squeeze one more person into the backseat or someone sitting on someone's lap. As for character sheets, I won't be accepting first come, first served. I want to collect the character sheets and see the ones that I like best. There is no limit for when I want the sheets in by as I'm away for the weekend from tomorrow lunch time GMT. I'll be back Sunday night but it might not be until Monday morning that I get back on the internet. So, take your time on your sheets. :)

Onto characters. I think it's safe to say that there is normally one bad guy, so I'm going to play that type of character as I have a great idea for it. Saying that, feel free to bring your character ideas across for good guys turning bad, good guys pretending to be bad, etc etc. Just because I'm saying that I'm taking the main role doesn't mean I'm limiting yours. :)

Now, onto the world. This is going to be hard because I don't want people running around ruining things with godly powers, nor do I want a dragon army battle. I'm welcoming all ideas on developing this world. After all it is the imagination being used so most things can happen. Feel free to throw ideas back and forth. When it comes to magic and powers though, I don't want them listed in the profile you create yet, simply because I do not know if/what powers are going to be used. I WANT my players input here too.

Now to the part everyone surely hates. The rules:

  • Please, please, please be able to plot, plan and help develop this story rather than just waiting for the other players to post.
  • Because there are only five of us (six at the most) I will be having a posting order so that people don't get carried away with posting.
  • If you have a problem with me or another player try sorting it out in PM. If you can't come to me with the problem via PM. Please don't bring OOC problems IC though. It ruins the RP.
  • If you are dropping out, tell me so I know and we're not stuck waiting.
  • Please be able to use spelling and punctuation. Spelling mistakes and all that are acceptable but no text type.
  • Do not God Mod, Metagame, power play etc. If you want to do something check with me and any other players involved. Want to bring in a new adventurous plot, tell us! If you know something through OOC, do not have your character know it IC unless they're supposed to know or have found it out.
  • Feel free to discuss adding NPCs! I love NPCs! :)
  • Please no cybering. Romance is allowed to happen by all means, but I don't want this overtaken by two players getting smutty.
  • Have fun!

And finally, the character sheet!
Code: Select all
[b]Picture:[/b] [Real not cartoon or anime]
[b]Age:[/b] [Everyone is 25]
[b]Personality: [A few lines basically describing what your character is like]
[b]Parallel:[/b] [What your character plans to be within this parallel world. A princess; a knight; a pirate - whatever your imagination wants you to be. Do not add powers here yet.]
[b]Talents:[/b] [Any talents your parallel character might have. Not powers. Skills they might have that come with what they've become. These will not be known IC. They will be found out through events that happen IC. Your character, and others, find them out.]
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] [Any weaknessses that your parallel character will have. Must have at least one. And these are not known by any characters IC, these will be found out by your own character and others.]
[b]Fears:[/b] [Anything your parallel character may be scared of, or what the character was scared of before they went into the parallel world]
[b]Bio:[/b] [A few brief sentences of what they did after they split up at 18.]
[b]Other:[/b] [Anything else that doesn't fit in the above categories.]

So, have fun and I look forward to seeing these characters. On a side note, it is possible that there were romances at some stage between characters in the past before they split up and went their different ways. But don't add that in yet as we won't know what five characters are joining if we get more than five applications :)

Any questions please ask me in the OOC. I promise I don't bite! Now the wait begins :)


sarah shahi

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