
Photo by Rachel Lee. Relay For Life officers, juniors, Jackie Howard, Monica Benson, Brianna Mooney, Rachel Neu, Meg Clark, Rachel Guthall, and Greta Hasler (from left to right) prepare for the April 21st walk. They have worked to motivate students to raise money for this charitable cause.
?Carley Evans
One person can make a difference; just one. No matter why someone takes part in Relay for Life, one thing is clear: with every step you take, you are helping the American Cancer Society save lives. To Hereford?s advantage, there will be a chance to participate in a Relay for Life April 21st from 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. at the track in honor of Will Levasseur.
?The event has two purposes. It?s a celebration for those who have survived and a way to recognize the difficulties people go through when a loved one is fighting the disease by providing emotional and financial support,? said Mrs. Middleton, the event organizer.
Relay for Life is a life-changing event that helps communities across the globe celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. It is a time when survivors, caregivers, and ones who remember those they lost come together for an inspiring event.
The Relay for Life officers at Hereford were inspired to organize this event after losing classmate Will Levasseur to an 18-month battle with brain cancer last year. After a seizure in November of 2009, doctors finally discovered Will?s brain tumor. The soccer-loving teen endured radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy before he passed away on July 3, 2011. After forming the idea about the club, they asked Mrs. Middleton to be the event sponsor. The officers also attended a Relay for Life event at the Johns Hopkins University last year to experience it first-hand.
The evening will start off with the opening ceremonies where Bill Levasseur, Will?s father, will speak about the hardships Will faced, as well as their family. This will followed by the surivior?s lap, an inspirational time when survivors are invited to circle the track together and help everyone celebrate the victories they have achieved over cancer. Fortunately, the word is spreading and many survivors in the local community are planning to attend in order to walk in the survivors? lap. A few survivors are planning to speak at the ceremony.
At 7:00 P.M., the American Cancer Society will honor allowing people who have been touched by cancer and allows them to remember loved ones lost to the disease during the Luminaria Ceremony. The public may buy luminarias for $10.00 in honor of either someone fighting cancer or to remember ones who lost the battle. Candles are lit inside bags filled with sand, each one having the name of a person touched by cancer, and participants walk a lap in silence. If enough candlelit bags are purchased, they will be used to create an inspirational tribute spelling out the word ?hope.?
Not only does the American Cancer Society use the money to conduct research,
but it also helps needy families in many ways. For example, most patients who are battling the disease live a far distance from the best-suited hospital for them, so the American Cancer Society can provide funds for a house that is in the vicinity of the hospital. If anyone is interested in participating in this event or joining the club, don?t hesitate. Talk to any one of the officers and she will be sure to help you: Rachel Neu, Greta Hasler, Monica Benson, Meg Clark, Rachel Guthall, Jackie Howard, and Caitlin Schmelz; Mrs. Middleton is also available in Trailer 2.
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