Snoring is a problem many people have, and it may or may not be serious. Most of the time it has been just an irritation to family members within earshot who are trying to sleep. Snoring can also be an indication of sleep apnea which is a serious problem for the snorer.
Since snoring can be caused by lax muscles in the neck and jaw, try exercising these muscles in order to reduce snoring. Pull the jaw forward and back 10 times, then open and close your mouth, stretching the jaw muscles. You can also place something firm, yet soft, between the teeth and bite down for a few minutes. After strengthening these muscles for awhile, you may notice a difference.
Allergies can cause snoring because they make people breathe through their mouths while sleeping. If you have bad allergies, an antihistamine works great, as does other nasal sprays. If your nose is stopped up, there is a good chance you will be snoring at night. Clear your breathing passages in efforts to stop snoring.
You should never consume a large meal prior to going to bed if you snore loudly. When your stomach is stuffed, the food will push itself up on your diaphragm, which limits your breathing passage ways. This is why you should make sure you are only consuming small amounts of food right before bed.
If you want to stop snoring when you sleep, you should sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back instigates snoring, and sleeping on your stomach just hurts your neck. Sleeping on your side helps you rest peacefully, without having to worry about snoring as much. Give it a try!
Your sleep position can greatly affect whether or not you will wind up snoring during sleep. Those who sleep on their backs tend to be more prone to snoring simply because that particular sleep position encourages relaxation of the throat, which can result in snoring. Try to sleep on your side, if possible, to help alleviate snoring.
You can cut down on snoring by being more aware of what you consume before bed. You should avoid dairy products such as milk, ice cream or yogurt. These foods cause the production of thick mucus which can obstruct the throat and nasal passages. This will cause snoring. So, it is best for you to avoid these food before going to bed.
Wearing nasal strips while you are sleeping ensures a continuous opening of your nasal air passages, which can help alleviate much of your snoring. Try wearing nasal strips at night while you are sleeping, and see how they work for you. Using them in conjunction with other tips has been known to significantly reduce how much a person snores.
Sleep in an elevated position to help reduce your snoring. Sleeping in a horizontal position can put more pressure on your airway causing it to close. By elevating your whole upper body and not just your head, you can relieve this extra pressure. Try propping your whole torso up on pillows or putting some blocks beneath your bedposts at the head of your bed.
Buy a new pillow to help with your snoring. Sometimes all you need to stop snoring is to change pillows. Some pillows restrict your breathing passages. This makes you open your mouth in compensation and, when you breathe through your mouth, you start snoring. Try using a firmer pillow and one that elevates your head somewhat more than your old pillow.
By referring to the tips in this article you can find information to help relieve a snoring problem. If there are indications that a snoring problem is causing tiredness and irritation in the snorer, a sleep study can be done to determine if apnea is involved, or if your snoring is mild.
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